Guajira's Farm

Goats for the Homestead

Welcome to Guajira's Farm

Home of Guajira's Nubians

We raise Nubians, LaMancha and Boer Goats on our farm. Breeding hardy, dual purpose goats for the homestead or large scale farm.

Located in the high desert Estancia Valley of New Mexico, our 40 acres consists of Blue Gamma grass overlooking the Manzano Mountains. Our land management consists of rotational grazing methods, utilizing our livestock to replenish our soil back to health. We have worked this land from the ground up and are still in the process of building all of our infrastructure. Our goals are to become a self sufficient, self reliant goat farm. Our beliefs are in working with what nature provides and managing our herd as natural as possible. We have brought in goats from great production lines and want to continue breeding the genetics that work with our farms dynamics, and that we believe can offer fellow homesteaders the same. What started as a humble homestead has turned into a dream of becoming a small scale farm that provides our community with quality livestock and farmstead products.

We started with meat goats and then learned how delicious fresh goats milk is, so we started acquiring dairy goats. My first breed of choice was Nubians! There's something majestic about their long beautiful ears and Roman noses, but what sold me is their ability to produce a higher butter fat percentage than other breeds. I started purchasing non registered grade Nubian does and then purchased a registered buck for them. Once I started breeding and my grade does started to Freshen, I learned very quickly how valuable a well bred dairy goat truly is. That's when we decided to start investing in Nubians with the traits I desired in a dairy doe. We sold our grade does only keeping the best that I can breed up and further improve with our Purebred Nubian bucks. Here we are today! We not only have Nubians, also LaMancha's and Boer goats for the meat market. Someday, we hope to offer grass fed goat meat fully processed by a USDA Certified butcher. Until then, we offer breeding stock and take kids to the sale barn. Our goal is to one day be fully sustainable off of our 40 acres!