Guajira's Farm

Goats for the Homestead

Guajira's Guantanamera

Our beautiful black beauty!

Goat , Nubian , Kid (female) |Black

ADGA# N002371764 | DOB: 3/1/2024 (Under 1 yr)

Sire: Rancho de San Isidro Havana (Guajira's Farm)
Dam: White Fields Song's Serenity (Guajira's Farm)
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Guajira's Guantanamera is our very first purebred doeling from our Herd Sire Havana. Her name is a Cuban Providence, continuing the theme of her sires name.

You could imagine our surprise when "Mera" was born that she was solid black. I combed her over so many times trying to find a speck of white or other color! Now that she is maturing we can see little white hairs here and there. She is such a beautiful girl!

We are very excited to retain her, as her dam has a beautifully correct udder. I am hoping her sire will add more milk production and longevity. She has the length and width we are breeding for. She will be bred to further improve confirmation. We are so pleased with her temperament as she is very friendly and loves our attention!

Updated 8/13/2024